El colegio ha recibido felicitaciones por la labor desarrollada para transformar la biblioteca escolar en centro de recursos y por las actuaciones y programas ofrecidos a la comunidad educativa, y nos quiere dar las gracias a todos los que hemos participado.
Como no sé cómo enlazaros a la entrada que ha puesto la seño Sonia en el blog del colegio, os lo copio por aquí.
Hemos hecho apadrinamientos lectores, programas diversos como el Proyecto de trabajo por competencias sobre Picasso, el Programa de Enriquecimiento Curricular, desarrollo de altas capacidades, etc.
Aquí tenéis algunas fotos de uno de los apadrinamientos lectores, donde los mayores de primaria leyeron a los nuestros pequeños.
Our school has been rewarded for the all the work done in our school library in different projects and for the programs and activities developed for the educational community, and wish to thank to all who has participated.
I don´t know how to post here the blog entry of Miss Sonia in the school blog, so I copy-paste here.
We´ve made "sponsorship reader´s activities", developed programs as the Picasso Proyect in basic competences, The Curricular Enrichment Program, Development of high capabilities, etc.
Here you have some pictures of one of our Sponsorship reader´s activities (sorry for the translation, I hope you can understand).
Our school has been rewarded for the all the work done in our school library in different projects and for the programs and activities developed for the educational community, and wish to thank to all who has participated.
I don´t know how to post here the blog entry of Miss Sonia in the school blog, so I copy-paste here.
We´ve made "sponsorship reader´s activities", developed programs as the Picasso Proyect in basic competences, The Curricular Enrichment Program, Development of high capabilities, etc.
Here you have some pictures of one of our Sponsorship reader´s activities (sorry for the translation, I hope you can understand).
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